7 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Newborn Photographer

Baby girl wrapped in garnet during her newborn photography session.

You’re in search of a newborn photographer, and wondering where to begin in the process of hiring a newborn photographer.  I’ve put together some important questions regarding this subject that is very dear to my heart, and I imagine yours too – newborn photography! If you are about to become a parent, and you’re looking into this, then you’ve come to the right place. Choosing a photographer for your newborn should be something you do while you’re pregnant so you have enough time to develop the concept with your partner. However, there are a few things you should ask a photographer before your session takes place.

It is very important to ask the following questions before hiring a newborn photographer. Take a look below.

7 Questions To Ask a Newborn Photographer

Baby boy wearing a grey bonnet and matching pants, provided by the newborn photographer in Southern Minnesota.

  • Ask a Newborn Photographer:  What is your regular fee?

This is a legitimate question, especially because parents are easily fooled into thinking that infant photography will cost the same no matter what they want to do. Let me assure you of the opposite. Likewise, the more experienced photographs are more expensive. Also, the price depends on the style and the effect you would like to use. For someone who is a specialist in this field, you have to be ready to pay an excessive amount for a professional. It mainly requires a lot of time, effort, and planning to create the desired results. As we already mentioned, the pricing is based on the skill and expertise of the photographer. Hiring a newborn photographer goes as far as asking for a deposit beforehand. But, no matter what you do, check out the fee first.

Various poses of a baby boy during his newborn photography session.

  • Ask a Newborn Photographer:  Where are you located?

Once I opened the fee subject, this had to go into the equation as well. When hiring a newborn photographer, it’s like looking for a new home. It’s all about location, location, location. The reason why I’m mentioning this is that you may initially contact a photographer and set up all the details, but when it comes to traveling, they may be too far from you. Even if that is not the case, they may not want to come to you and insist on the other way around, which can be exhausting for a new parent. As much as it all depends on the idea you have in your mind, it is important to set the boundaries, rules, and expectations from the beginning.

Newborn baby girl wrapped in purple and posed by her newborn photographer, Jennifer Brandes of Minnesota.

  • Can you share your training with me?

This is the third important (and often MOST important) question you need to ask your newborn photographer before hiring them. The infant photography industry is not as regulated as you might think. Therefore, photographs do not need to have any kind of special qualification for their services. I have met with many parents in the past who have asked me this question, and I suggest you never skip this – from both points of view. Ask about the positions they might want to put your baby in for the newborn photo session– maybe they will be uncomfortable for the little one. Furthermore, ask about safety regulations, and before making your final decision, check all the aspects of the session. Without proper training, the photographer may put your baby at risk – and no parent wants that!

Two images of a baby girl from her newborn photography session.

  • What age of babies do you prefer photographing?

Sometimes, photographs may have their own specific preferences when it comes to newborn photos. As strange as this question may sound, ask it before hiring a newborn photographer. Even the biggest professionals sometimes consider the age of the toddler. Sounds silly – a baby is a baby, what’s it got to do with age, right? Surprisingly, this varies from photographer to photographer. Therefore, there are professionals who prefer to do a newborn photo session after the baby is born. Meanwhile, some like it better to wait a couple of weeks for the little one and the parents to settle down before taking the newborn photos.

Baby girl wrapped in pink laying in a large pink flower.

  • Can you manage my expectations?

As a new parent, this is a completely understandable question to ask. We all dream of having the best infant photography. However, you need to take a step back and view your expectations, too. Therefore, you need to know exactly what you’re asking for and whether that’s doable at all. That is why I keep encouraging couples to talk to the photographer before jumping to any conclusions. A good conversation can help you manage your expectations and theirs, too. You can talk about everything you’re interested in – any props, a family heirloom you want to include in the photos, creating a specific pose, and so on. By putting this out of the way, you pave a path for a fruitful collaboration.

Two images of a newborn baby boy wrapped and posed for his newborn session.

  • How long before I receive my photos?

It’s a completely legit question. In this day and age, people want everything, and they want it now, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, this is the perfect thing you need to ask before hiring a newborn photographer. There is a small editing timeframe, but once you develop a concept, any photographer should be able to tell you how much it would take to get your photographs. While I’m here, you can also manage expectations in this segment. For example, if you need the images fast, then you can discuss this with the photographer and agree on a certain date.

Newborn girl on purple wrapped by her newborn photographer, Jennifer Brandes.

  • Ask a newborn photographer:  Can you provide your availability?

The last thing to do before booking a newborn photographer is to ask for their availability. When you’re looking for someone who has a lot of training, expertise, and knowledge on the subject, you should expect they will be fully booked months in advance. That is why I mentioned in the beginning that you should start looking for a professional while you’re pregnant. By getting this question out of the way, you will avoid any disappointment.

I have found it is always important to ask these questions before hiring a newborn photographer. Clear the air and set the expectations from the beginning—that’s the best way for both sides to be satisfied in the end!

If you’re curious about the experience that you’ll receive when you book your newborn session, feel free to contact me and start the conversation.  Curious about my newborn portfolio?  You can view more of that HERE!

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