Most Important Milestones in Baby’s First Year

9 month old baby girl in a green romper for her milestone photo session.

Your baby’s first year is filled with MANY milestones and new things they will learn and do. It is, without a doubt, the most exciting period for you as parents, and for everyone around them. Sadly, these moments pass by quickly. In the blink of an eye, your baby will grow into a toddler, and from time to time, you will want to reminisce and relive these magical minutes of your child’s life. Moreover, they will want to see these beautiful moments and the early ages of their childhood. That is why preserving these memories in an eternal form is essential! 


Your baby will have many special moments during their first year, however you cannot schedule a photography session every time they learn a new thing. Instead, you can divide the milestones into categories and book a photo session for each one. The best part? By the end of the year, you will be able to create a dreamy book of those first year memories. 


You might wonder which moments are worth booking a professional photo session for. I’ve put together a list of the most popular milestones within that first year.  I not only highlight which milestones are important but also explain why each stage is so special. These guidelines will help you plan your babies’ important landmarks and end up with exceptional photographs. 

Six month old little girl dressed in a cream romper poses for her milestone session.

What Are The Important Milestones in The First Year of Your Baby?


Once your baby arrives in the world, those first few weeks will fly by, and before you know it, you’ll be planning their first birthday party.  There are so many enjoyable moments within that first year, each of them unique on its own, and you will want them to last forever. Since that is not possible, the closest solution is milestone photography. It is not strange that so many parents are always ready with a phone in their hands since they do not want to miss anything. 

Nonetheless, there are some major milestones in your baby’s first year for which you will want high-quality photos rather than amateur shots taken with a phone. Some of the changes in your baby’s life deserve better commemoration. That is when you should consider professional photography. 

Since you cannot book a photo session for every single day of your child’s life, it is convenient to opt for the essential moments. The milestone portraits you create of your baby will serve as a way to relieve those beautiful periods of their life. 


If you are unsure which achievement you should consider for a photo session, don’t worry. I have created a list of suggestions that you may find helpful. 

Three month old baby boy during his milestone photo session.

The First Milestone:  The Smiling Phase at 3 Months 

When your baby reaches 3 months, the interesting period begins. Many people refer to this period as the “enchanted months” because so many thrilling things are going on. In the 3rd month of their life, the baby begins developing their tummy muscles. Also, they have adjusted to a certain sleeping and eating rhythm, and their needs are satisfied at a convenient time.  

This makes them happy, giggly, and smiley all the time. Therefore, it is wise to book a photo session at this stage. Count on many joyful milestone portraits and cheerful faces you will never want to forget. Moreover, you can get really creative with clothing and all the details surrounding your baby. Expect to fall in love with the shots! 


Six month old baby girl wearing a neutral colored romper for her milestone session.

The Second Milestone:  The Sitting Phase at 6 Months 

The sitting phase is one of the most exciting periods of your baby’s first year. This is the time when your baby actually becomes a tiny human, and everything about it becomes even more cute. Most parents use this opportunity to schedule a photo session because it is quite an important landmark. At this point, the little ones’ bodies are quite developed, perfect for marking the first steps towards independence.

I am in love with this baby’s phase because the photo opportunities are endless. You can have your baby sitting in a chair or on the floor, reaching for their favorite toys or their toes – some of the cutest sights ever! This is also a period of giggles and happiness, meaning you can count on some very joyful milestone portraits.


9 month old baby girl in a green romper for her milestone photo session.

The Third Milestone:  The Standing Phase at 9 Months

This is often the phase that leaves most parents in a surprised and emotional state. The first time you see your baby standing will definitely bring about numerous feelings and emotions. It is a sign that your little bundle of joy is slowly becoming a grown person. Even though not all babies walk during this phase, they are active and do it quite rapidly. In other words, besides standing, babies at 9 months want to crawl everywhere and explore each corner.

Capturing these moments is vital. You want to have the image of your baby’s standing phase turned into a dreamy memory. So, do not exclude this milestone when it comes to booking a photo session as part of your baby’s first year.


Baby girl celebrates her first birthday with a cake smash at Jennifer Brandes Photography studio.

The Fourth Milestone:  Their First Birthday! 

This is the most festive moment of your baby’s life. When they reach the first year of their lifetime, they already know how to do several things. Some of them can stand, while others can take their first steps. Whatever your baby’s achievement is, it is worth capturing in a frame forever. 

I enjoy birthday photo shoots since a smash cake usually accompanies them. Even though these photo sessions can get messy, the experience is unparalleled. You get to see your baby full of joy, getting their hands inside their birthday cake. It is a moment you will never forget and a moment that your child will want to see once they grow up. Plus, it is an exceptional memory that you will cherish forever. 


Commemorating the big milestones of your baby’s first year means creating breathtaking memories that will allow you to relive these precious moments later in life. With these photos, you can get as creative as you want; just be sure you opt for them. Your baby will become a child quickly, and photographs are the only things that will allow you to relive those sweet little moments.

Please feel free to visit my milestone page for more inspiration!  If you’re interested in getting your baby’s milestone session booked, email me at


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