Minnesota Newborn & Family Photographer | Experience

Print sizes displayed on wall.

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The Portrait Experience

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Believe in artwork.

In a world where social media and technology are everywhere, printed artwork still wins hands-down.

Digital files go corrupt or get lost among the many pictures we keep on our phones. The “cloud” is not guaranteed.

Ten, twenty, or even fifty years from now, where will your images be?

Everything here is heirloom quality artwork that will stand the test of time. Something that you can cherish and treasure for many years to come. Something unique you can pass on to your children.

Full wall collage designed by MN Photographer, J. Anne Designs.  Large Statement Canvas Piece with surrounding smaller framed prints.

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Newborn photography.  Infant girl photo session.  Newborn girl on white ornate pillow.

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Step 1: The Consultation.

The consultation can take place via phone call, at a local coffee shop, in the studio or in your living room.

This important piece is where we determine if we are a good fit. You should always feel comfortable with your photographer. The best images are captured when you are able to be yourself in the moment!

This is also where you will share the goals and visions you have for your session, and we will set a plan for creating your unique session.

You will be confident that your session will be tailored to you and your family.

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Step 2: The Session

Your session includes full access to all of the studio props and the client closet. If you have chosen a specific location for your portrait session, I will bring props with me.

A family or milestone session typically takes 60 minutes. Your child or family may need to take a break and that is just fine. You have time to grab snacks, wipe faces, etc. and we will get right back on track when you are ready.

Enjoy these moments with your family! These are photographs that both you and they will treasure for many years to come. Have fun with them. Be silly and laugh with them! Create a memory with them that you can cherish every day.

Session Fees start at $350.

Average client investment is $750-1900

Large fine art statement piece displayed in the home.  Framed fine art canvas from Minnesota Photographer J. Anne Designs.

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Step 3: The Gallery Reveal

Your gallery is ready. This is the most exciting part!

Within 2 weeks from your session, we will schedule your Gallery Reveal Session!

We will meet to go through your beautiful gallery, and you will choose the images and products that you want to purchase. Your products are handcrafted from only the finest specialty labs and are ensured to stand the test of time.

There is no minimum investment required. You only purchase what you love.

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I specialize in making artwork out of everyday moments ❤

Your beautiful portraits deserve to be displayed and enjoyed every day!

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