Creative Session Questionnaire

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Creative Session Questionnaire

Please fill out this form completely.

Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

The purpose of this form is to determine if you and your child/ren would be suitable participants for the current creative project we’re working on. Please be as thorough in your descriptions as possible.

We’ll sometimes find inspiration that takes us in an entirely new direction, and we’ll create a new concept just for you. Don’t forget to send in a snapshot of whomever might participate.

Thank you!

Contact Information

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Parent Name (1)

Parent Name (2)


What is the best way to contact you?

Ex: Pregnant, freckles, bright blue eyes, ballerina, muscular (men), etc.

Example: Long gowns for maternity or mother-child sessions, ballet/dancing attire/leotards for dance sessions, etc.

If child hasn’t been born, please provide due date.


Example: Baby’s stage (sitting up, standing, walking), freckles, long lashes, red hair, bright blue eyes, twins, etc.

Genders, ages, unique skills/features, etc.


When are you available for a session?
Type of Session preferred

Would you like to be added to my newsletter list?

For future promotions, studio news, etc.

I understand that in order to participate in a creative session, I must sign a model release which grants the photographer the right to use and publish photos and video created during the session for any advertising, display, publication, marketing, competition, and/or other studio purposes.


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About You

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About your child/children

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Please forward a picture to if you haven’t already. If selected, you will be invited to the studio for a planning appointment.